CineSend Request

Make quick work
of wrangling files

Request and collect large media files from hundreds of content providers into a central repository.

Request and collect

A single download portal

Retrieving content from filmmaker-supplied download links can be cumbersome. CineSend Request turns things around to let your team download everything from a single portal.

Upload options for filmmakers

Provide flexibility to content providers by allowing them to upload files through their browser, with Aspera connect, or by supplying their own Dropbox or Google Drive links for automatic import.

Track upload status

Keep track of which films have provided content, and monitor “in progress” uploads in real-time. Once a film has been provided, you can close the request to prevent further uploads.

Aspera transfers built-in

IBM's Aspera technology facilitates fast and reliable file transfers and is built right into CineSend. Using Aspera also gives you the control to pause and resume, and ensures that content remains encrypted in transit.

Tools to keep organized

Color code file requests and save notes so that teammates stay on the same page. Optionally sort file requests into different “groups” to separate shorts from features, or however else makes sense for your team.


CineSend Request

$0.50 / GB

$12 per additional user

Small and medium-sized teams.

Account Features

Free uploads for filmmakers and studios

No file size limits

Storage for 3 months

Aspera built-in to accelerate transfers

Accept any format (DCP, ProREs, H.264, PDF, JPG, etc)

Talk to us about customized video solutions.

More advanced needs? Building something really large-scale? Need a comprehensive SLA? Get in touch with our team to build a custom solution.

Contact us